Monday, April 26, 2010

How Do You Find Your Purpose?

As we are all different, we will all need different paths to help
us find our passion and purpose. If you’ve struggled to find the
direction you need to complete your destiny, if you’ve always
felt you were made for something, but a little unsure what that is try some of the following ideas                      to explore what your Purpose may be.

Every one has a purpose, and there is potential in each of us. It’s
just a matter to exploring and investigating a little to discover it.

What terrifies you?

It’s an interesting concept but what you don’t like, or what you
fear may be the very thing pointing to your destiny. It’s like the
concept of yin and yang- there are two sides to each coin. The
fear may originate from blocking off an early passion that you
were unaware of. Write a list of your fears and the negative
feelings that come from them. Then look at that list and see if
there is an opposite charge to the fear. For example, if you are
terrified of public speaking, but love to share your ideas, then
you may be well suited to expressing yourself through the
written word.

When are you scared of failing?

Those things that are important to us hold a great deal of weight
to how we see ourselves and our success. If you are scared at
failing at something, you’ll often avoid it at all costs. But those
things we are scared to fail at are often the very things we most
want to do. Explore the times you’ve said no to something, or
avoided something because you’ve been scared of showing
yourself to not be good at it.

Who energizes you?

If you’ve only got people around you who tear or wear you
down and you struggle with feeling good about yourself when

 you are around them, then you need to change the dynamic.
What sort of people inspires you? What sort of people make you
want to grab life and live it completely, who add a little light
into everything.

The people we are attracted to, who we want to spend time with,
reflect not only where we are now, but where we want to be.
Align yourself with people living a full life and their enthusiasm
rubs off and affects your own passion. Go for people you
respect, and work underneath them- serving them. That is the
very best way to learn. If you can’t find anyone like that around
you, devour books about people you admire and learn by proxy.

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